Visakan pfp
I wonder if there would be any interest if I did an AMA here? AMA
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
What's the most interesting intellectual question you're trying to answer right now?
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Visakan pfp
working on my essays, I’m trying to figure out how to convey a fresh way of seeing/being that people find incredibly compelling, for culture to reorient around. “Friendly Ambitious Nerd” is in the correct ballpark but not the full picture, I’m still missing something. Iterating
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Patrick Ward pfp
Patrick Ward
What are the smoke signals that might point to what’s missing?
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Visakan pfp
ha, if I knew I’d already be pursuing it. I have some vague senses but nothing concrete yet
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Patrick Ward pfp
Patrick Ward
fair ofc. do you always have that feeling or does it hit you more strongly at particular times?
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Visakan pfp
Both! Always and sometimes more intense
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