Vinny pfp



339 Following

Vinny pfp
My boy @eulerlagrange.eth is out here averaging 15miles of walking a day. Let’s strive to be more like him and walk more.
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Vinny pfp
I just want you all to know— a muscle up is within striking distance. Especially if you can do 5-8 pull-ups unassisted, you CAN muscle up. And don’t follow the CrossFit BS of swinging. You got this!
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Vinny pfp
Anyone else miss the Jolt/Lasso energy and want to bring it back? Also huge congrats to @ncitron.eth who grinded like a madman and did some gentle compiler massaging to ensure that y'all could use the standard library... he deserves our love
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Vinny pfp
Hold-up, I just found out what we eat from a sea urchin is its gonads?! How is this not common knowledge and am I the only one kinda freaked out about it?
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Vinny pfp
Check it out! I promise you haven’t seen anything like it… huge congrats to the @a16zcrypto engineering team. This is badass.
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Vinny pfp
I’m sure you’ve seen them all but I thought this pic was pretty nifty.
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Vinny pfp
Sometimes it still baffles me how much seratonin, dopamine and norepinepherine our brains release from: pick up heavy thing, put heavy thing down, repeat
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Vinny pfp
@eddy didn’t know you had a bike shop in Cleveland… any chance we get the FC friend’s discount?
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Vinny pfp
As Noah said— a replay of most of our conversations.
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Vinny pfp
People who think DAOs are a good company structure— how does anything get done?
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Vinny pfp
Roastcaster doesn’t pull any punches.
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Vinny pfp
@johnwang.eth Question about immutable, can I dc you quickly?
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Vinny pfp
Anyone know why you can’t use BabyBearFFT for FRI? Because if you can then the whole CircleStark thing is pretty meh
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Vinny pfp
Anyone know why you can’t use BabyBearFFT for FRI? Because if you can then the whole CircleStark thing is pretty meh
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Vinny pfp
Might be a dumb question, but if I'm using the Secure Enclave on my iPhone to store my private keys and I switch phones, how do I migrate that over? This feels like a problem we've addressed, so I think I'm missing something.
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Vinny pfp
It's pretty nifty. Go check it out!
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Vinny pfp
@brunny Seems like you're not still with Aztec but was wondering if I could DC about some questions regarding their rollup and your time there. There's a use-case I'd like to noodle abt
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Vinny pfp
@dwr.eth Dan, wondering if it's possible for many casts to happen in a row if we go over the character cap? Especially with such a great desktop client, I find myself needing to go over the character limit but I have to always copy the rest and then cast as a comment to the first one.
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Vinny pfp
@ncitron.eth recommended The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu. Just started and I'm hooked. Do yourself a favor and get this book ASAP, you won't be able to drag yourself away.
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Vinny pfp
How can people without a lot of followers start successful channels? I feel like the people starting channels that are successful already have a large following and while not crazy expensive or anything, paying $25 and then having no engagement seems like a double whammy.
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