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Frostmourne Sword Frostmourne was the mourneblade of the Lich King. A fearsome, rune-inscribed two-handed longsword, it possessed the power to shatterand imprison the souls of its victims and could remake the living into mindless undead. Frostmourne was thrust from the Frozen Throne by the Lich King Ner'zhul and was taken up by Arthas Menethil in the wastes of Northrend during the Third War. It was wielded by Arthas both during his time as a death knight and as Lich King until it was destroyed by Tirion Fordring; in that time, the blade spilled the blood of kings, destroyed nations, and inflicted scars on the world that remain to this day. Few weapons have shaped modern history as much as Frostmourne. During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, a death knight hero reforged the shards of the blade into the Blades of the Fallen Prince.
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