Vinay Vasanji pfp

Vinay Vasanji


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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
Richmond Park
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
There was always more to the Ukraine conflict than MSM let on The reality is Russia honoured the Minsk Accords until Kiev escalated, and now we're where we are
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
Today's display of deference to a foreign power by Congress makes you realize just how corrupted and sick the political system is in the US
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
The proposed EU register is the first time I've thought, hey maybe the UK's Brexit wasn't so bad afterall
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
What is the verdict on Mercury Personal? Worth it?
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
Notable that during the same week that a war criminal is due to address the US Congress, Xi in China is hosting 14 factions of Palestinian liberation organizations (inc. Fatah and Hamas) to end divisions and promote national unity
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
Good thread on how modernism et al got it all wrong
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
Has anyone tried soda loading before workouts? (bicarbonate soda)
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
How does Kamala view crypto?
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
It's even more notable that there is not a single mention of the yesterdays ICJ ruling in the NYT Tells you everything you need to know about that paper
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
The ICJ ruling today is a good example of better late, than never The question is what happens next? Western leaders have been dithering on the ICC arrest warrants, can't imagine we'll see much more happen with the ICJ ruling Notably Russia, yes Russia, has called out Israeli atrocities and has had more spine than leaders in the UK and US
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
The company behind todays global IT meltdown is called 'Crowdstrike' 🤔
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
Please send warps
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
Given all that is going on in the world today would recommend watching Adam Curtis' series The Power of Nightmares (2004) It's as relevant today as it ever was Some criticize him for oversimplying the state of the world then but some of the ideas presented are worth mulling over today
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
This is mostly a note to myself Having brewed on this for a week I've concluded that the person I spoke to has no f'ing idea and I'm still going to build the idea we spoke about tl;dr not all advice should be taken to heart, others never know what you know More soon
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
Evan Vucci from Associated Press took this photo Its going to be on the front page of every newspaper in the world tomorrow He was also present, and captured the moment Muntadhar al-Zaidi threw a shoe at Bush (junior) in Iraq — talk about being in the right place at the right time
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
Just applied for my son's British Passport
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
This is one of those ominous moments where you know everything has changed
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
Should have cast this here I'll start, my wife and I occasionally invest in something we would consider a lifetime furniture purchase—something we'll keep forever This simple caned armchair from Brazilian brand Uultis is one of those pieces
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
What is your favorite piece of furniture and why?
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