ViddyEA pfp



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ViddyEA pfp
I am feeling so impressed with all of us, guys! It takes a lot of courage, determination, dedication and solid self center to do what we are doing here. Holding our portfolios through all the ups and downs is a 24/7 job. I just realized that it’s a job on its own that is much harder than probably 80% of jobs out there. In terms of the strength of character that it takes to hold crypto to millions, I would compare it to a job of astronauts or researchers/doctors who infect themselves with a medication that they invented to prove that it works. I believe that holding our highest conviction coins shapes our character so much. This reminds me of holding onto my body when I was close to dying from Covid. I knew that my body will make it, I just needed to keep breathing, taking my herbs and doing my spiritual work. In the same way I know that our coins will make it. And yes, we all deserve to make it to millions in profits. We truly earned it!
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ViddyEA pfp
I posted this in my telegram group in January. Look what happened after. The same logic applies now. Feng Shui and Western astrology both point to a great summer. I don’t believe these red candles.
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ViddyEA pfp
I am on a mission to make Safety a #1 narrative in crypto, as it should be. No safety = no profits. No safety = non of your profits from ai and rwa matter. Because somebody can hack your wallet and take it all away.
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ViddyEA pfp
What I am sitting with at this time is this question: how do the whales and market makers do this? They seem to mastered this game to perfection. How do they succeed to make people feel that it’s over and sell TO THEM cheaply and then make people feel euphoria and BUY FROM THEM at 3-10x what they sold TO THEM cheaply earlier? It’s such a simple game. As simple as throwing a ball between 2 people back and forth. Yet it works every single time! What’s your explanation of how they are successfully doing this? I am out of ideas haha
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ViddyEA pfp
Imo we are very close to resuming the upside. Reminds me of my 18 hour flight to Australia The hardest time for me was actually not the last 2 hours (that was exciting) but around 12 of flying today crypto it feels like that 13th hour of flying. Patience. If it made it this far, it’s not stopping here! 🛬
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ViddyEA pfp
Based on the market action in the past 3 days: 2025 - hmmm need to test more 2026 - I believe I will be shorting Bitcoin for most of the year End 2026 - buy Kaspa back 2027 - strong recovery for many projects
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ViddyEA pfp
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ViddyEA pfp
😊 even TA pros are exiting. We are going Higher!
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ViddyEA pfp
Here is what can happen in 4 months: from the end of January 2021 to the end of May 2021 Matic made a 111x!
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ViddyEA pfp
Apple developer conference is starting in 15 min This is a super important conference where the CEO will share the company plan for integrating AI. I am expecting this to push the market higher, especially ai coins.
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ViddyEA pfp
Today (June 10th) is a yin wood snake day in Feng Shui Same as the year 2025 on the yearly I am expecting that at some point of today the market will turn green, and will stay green into tomorrow with a drop in BTC tomorrow If we see this happening, my plan for a double top will get another confirmation.
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ViddyEA pfp
Hi everybody! I analyze crypto markets across various energy systems and my own sensing and testing. Welcome to the channel!
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ViddyEA pfp
IMO having crypto friends to do this journey with resolves this. We share, stay connected and that helps to not go crazy or numb.
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ViddyEA pfp
- BTC ETFs has seen strongest inflows - eth ETFs approved - developers are lining up to compete over creating krc 20 projects - election year Yes alts are bleeding. whoever is selling should not be playing with crypto I think, because they can’t play ‘right’ even when the market is showing openly all the cards.
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ViddyEA pfp
Remember April? June should be the opposite. June - Metal Horse Metal is money, horse is the most fiery Yang frequency in Feng Shui + summer//fire season. So metal on top of a double fire. Metal on its own is cold & needs fire to come alive. When you put metal over a double fire, it starts taking beautiful shapes!
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ViddyEA pfp
So today is an Earth Dog day Kas broke up on the hardest day for itself that was possible. A very typical behavior of warrior archetype - they love challenges, and come alive when accomplish impossible Good news: if Kaspa did well today, there is a very good chance that it started the next leg up.
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ViddyEA pfp
I am going to remember this for inspiration. Will look at it when I feel bad about losing a few thousand on a bad trade. This person sold 624k of Deai for 197k Nothing that I’ve sold for a loss can compare to this. So I am good 😊
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ViddyEA pfp
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ViddyEA pfp
“The upside is Valhalla, the downside is the life you would have lived anyway. Fuck it, we ball”. -Famous words by a crypto trader
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ViddyEA pfp
June - yang Metal over Yang fire July - Yin metal over Yin fire August - Yang water over Yang Metal September - Yin water over Yin Metal All these setups are good for the markets. October - Yang Wood Dog - in the second half of the dragon year when the dog dragon conflict is the strongest 🫣
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