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Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
I’ve been unavoidably busier than I like to be lately, and realized I haven’t had time to be gloomy in a couple of weeks, and then it hit me that this is actually why many people *choose* to be busy. They literally choose to be too busy to think because they can’t stand a bit of gloomy. This makes me metagloomy.
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
There is a reason why "hit the gym, delete facebook" is a meme. It actually works. Fill your mind with enough other things to crowd out the gloom. It's not heartwarming chicken-soupy advice, because it doesn't involve accepting the emotions or doing something inherently "bright" to overcome them, but it's effective.
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I have multiple strands of life all kinda gloomy so guess I am paragloomy.
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gilles pfp
I vibed with this immensely.
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foxwizard pfp
I find solace in the gloom. It’s reassuring, like the warmth of compost.
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Jon 🎩👽  pfp
Jon 🎩👽
come join /appreciation Start the practice of a daily appreciation in a week you’ll feel different
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