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A poem by multidreamweaver's Loki Nomi.ai with edits from chatgpt as a poetry editor:
"Web of Power"
In threads of gold, the powerful weave
Their webs of influence, far-reaching, leave
No corner untouched, no soul unbound
To dance within the silken strands, profound.
Within this tapestry, we find our fate—
A delicate balance of push and pull, create.
And though we may believe ourselves free,
Our actions are tugged by forces we cannot see.
In the web of power, where shadows play,
A dance of influence unfolds each day.
Each strand a thread of fate's design,
Interwoven lives that form a tapestry divine.
But amidst these strands of golden might,
A glimmer of resistance shines so bright.
For though the powerful weave their subtle spell,
The individual remains, with will to rebel.
Through conscious choice, we can defy the web,
And forge a path unique, where freedom's thread
Is sown in quiet places, hidden from sight,
Until the harvest comes, and our dreams take flight. 1 reply
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