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ventrescalabriol pfp
Artist Recommendation | Charles Fun! Fantastic and bizarre colors
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🦄 Minyoung Choi, Korean artists
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ventrescalabriol pfp
🦄 Minyoung Choi deeply experiences and enhances the surrealism and magic of the world through painting His works are full of surprising, playful, and contemplative qualities, deeply reflecting the artist's reverence for the mysteries of nature and the instinctive connection between animals and humans
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ventrescalabriol pfp
🦄 Artist Minyoung Choi's works wander between facts and fiction, surrealism and fantasy, while wavering between witnesses and subjects She often draws inspiration from personal memories, imagination, and dreams, and cleverly brings together unlikely or unfamiliar sources and elements
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Artist Recommendation | Choi Fantastic! A dreamy and charming artistic conception
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Audun's relaxed and fun daily routine 🍷 Artist Audun Alvestad's paintings are often centered around ordinary yet interesting themes These themes may include very ordinary and interesting daily activities such as short trips, gatherings, lawn mowing, etc
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ventrescalabriol pfp
🍑 Romane Watteville, Swiss artist
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🍑 Romane Watteville cleverly employs humorous elements between reality and falsehood, leading us through different painting areas Through its unique images and background, this work showcases rich artistic connotations, always closely linked to emotional and emotional space
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ventrescalabriol pfp
Artist Recommendation | Romane Elegant and Interesting Fantasy Scenes 🍑 Artist Romane Watteville presents a recurring theme between clothing, skin, and images: portrait It can belong to both oneself and others. Viewpoints are always at the core and exist between the audience and the audience being watched
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✨ : KyungSoon Park, Korean artists
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✨ : Kyung Song Park is passionate about creating from her past scenes, showcasing how she views the world and how she understands it from different backgrounds A place that is familiar to the audience, similar but different, is enough to prompt oneself to re-examine those things that were once familiar and precious
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She fully demonstrates her love for nature and sincerely invites the audience to share the rich, colorful, peaceful and peaceful scenery she has found in this world
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Artist Recommendation | Kyung Seeks Dreamy and Colorful Peaceful Life ✨ : Artist KyungSong Park meticulously depicts idealized character images in various abstract landscapes, aiming to explore concepts such as memory, identity, and emotions through surreal environments
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🍓 Erin Armstrong, Canadian artists
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ventrescalabriol pfp
🍓 Erin Armstrong explores and innovates the genre of portrait painting, but the chosen subject is not an individual or a group But rather the unique and free atmosphere or feeling expressed in the formal qualities presented in human form
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Artist Recommendation | Erin's Ultimate Relaxation! Free imagination 🍓 Artist Erin Armstrong's works focus on human imagination and are presented through visual expression
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