Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp

Radek | velvetshark.eth


139 Following

Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
Building MailChat - my solution to inbox overwhelm 📬 Ever cleaned your inbox only to watch it fill up again in minutes? Yeah, same. So I decided to build something different: an AI agent you can chat with about your emails. Think: "Hey, what's new since yesterday?" or "Any urgent deadlines I'm missing?" It's like having a smart assistant that actually reads your emails (so you don't have to). Currently building it. Because email doesn't have to be boring. 🚀
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
Check out http://EIP.directory and start exploring the future of Ethereum today!
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
🔧 Tech stack: Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Supabase with PostgreSQL, Python script for downloading proposals from GitHub and updating info in Supabase.
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
📱 Sleek mobile experience: Browse EIPs on-the-go with our responsive design.
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
🗣️ Contribute with ease: Leave feedback, suggest improvements, or add context to proposals directly on the site.
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
🌓 Dark/light theme & resizable sidebar: not groundbreaking, but contributes to ease of use and general pleasure in life 😌
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
💡 'Why is it important?' sections: Understand the impact of key proposals at a glance.
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
🌟 Noteworthy & Featured proposals: Stay up-to-date with the most important EIPs shaping Ethereum's future.
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
🔍 Powerful search: Find any EIP / ERC / CAIP / RIP proposal quickly and easily. No more endless scrolling!
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
Introducing the all-new http://EIP.directory! 🚀 Your one-stop shop for Ethereum Improvement Proposals has gotten a 🔝major upgrade🔝 and a whole lot of ✨polish✨. Check out what's new:
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
I'm on it for a few weeks now. It glitches sometimes, but rarely enough not to be too annoyed. A restart fixes those, so no big deal.
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
Build together and prosper 🖖
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
By now, you've probably heard about Account Abstraction and ERC-4337 a thousand times. But do you know how it works? And what use cases it enables? Enables Smart Accounts, sponsored transactions, paying fees in tokens, etc. Full ERC-4337 overview: https://velvetshark.com/erc-4337
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
You probably know EIP and ERC in the Ethereum world. But do you know RIP and CAIP? (not "Rest In Peace"). Learn about different types of Ethereum standards here: https://www.velvetshark.com/what-are-ethereum-standards-eip-erc-rip-caip PS. RIP = Rollup Improvement Proposal CAIP = Chain Agnostic Improvement Proposal
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
Follow along here: https://www.velvetshark.com/ethereum-standards
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
Join me for "30 Days with Ethereum Standards" as I explore EIPs, ERCs, RIPs, and CAIPs, and understand their impact on the blockchain ecosystem. One standard per day. If you don't want to remember all the numbers or read all the source material, this is for you. ↓↓↓
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
So if you want to quickly check or learn about all the hot and/or important EIPs, you now don’t have to read all the source docs, just the info here and get all the story and understand you want, with links to learn more if needed. This is pre-alpha, I just started working on it. Any feedback is much appreciated.
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Radek | velvetshark.eth pfp
Radek | velvetshark.eth
All those EIP and ERP numbers driving you crazy? I gotcha! Presenting… EIP Directory! eip.directory The goal is to have all important EIPs in one place, with all the important info. But crucially, the goal is to provide context on why those EIPs matter. That's where "Why is it important?" field comes in.
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