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🔥 Telegram CEO has been arrested Founder and CEO of Telegram Pavel Durov was arrested at a French airport while traveling with a woman and a bodyguard. Durov has been under surveillance for a long time, but he rarely travels. This time he was a bit subjective and was arrested. The specific charges have not yet been announced, but he may be prosecuted for many crimes for "turning a blind eye" to activities on his platform such as: terrorism, drugs, fraud, money laundering, receiving stolen goods, content related to pedophiles",... In addition to Telegram, Pavel Durov was also the founder of TON in 2018, however, in 2020 he announced his withdrawal from the project because of the SEC ban. Although operating independently, TON, Telegram and Pavel Durov still have a close relationship with each other. Typically, the TON ecosystem landed on Telegram with a series of dapps with hundreds of millions of users recently. 🔥 DOGS hasn't listed yet, they already have a difficult case!! This national memec…
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