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đź’Żall things are relative.
Which is why I question currrnt techniques for storing it.
The way I see it, we have two options for storing metadata. One is seen in a relational database via Buckets.. or “categories”.
ex. lets say there’s a set of t-shirts
“t-shirts: [{
id. 0
“color”: “green”
id: 1
id: 3,
this is fine… if we are comfortable leaving us set and stone for all eternity banking on nothing to change. But.. if you’re moving on with this, you will find:
- Placing that column ties data to a specific format (english) or arbitrary label
- wasted space, subjective placement of data
- difficult to add new dimensions
Whereas, we could’ve just looked at each dimension itself AND organized the tshirts on a SPECTRUM for each dimension… i.e. an undirected graph DB. 1 reply
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