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A Salute to Noun O'Clock Live (my /firstdraft ) Tonight is the 1,000th *straight* & final show. Many won't know Noun O'Clock Live, but if you've come across @zerorightsmedia w/ @toadyhawk.eth & @jackwyldes.eth that was born out of Noun O'Clock LIve--a daily show for all things /nouns I was there in the beginning as a daily listener. NOC Live helped me make Nouns my first home in web3. They were fun & informative, dedicated to helping people like me learn how a DAO could steward 10s of millions of dollars to promote a brand & do good in the world. On 8/8/22, they did a 24 hr show for the 1st Anniversary of Nouns. I was one of their guests because I had just joined Nouncil (Nounish Council) & had won my first prophouse. That show regularly comes into my mind. I have art on my wall from it (s/o @messhup ). I can't tell my web3 story w/o talking a lot about The NounSquare & NOC Live. So, thank you @toadyhawk.eth @benbodhi @nounishprof @supertightwoody @robotfishgirl @aubtoshi among others 🫡
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It's been a pleasure to be part of this story, to see one of my artworks having all this importance makes me reflect on how everything is bigger than we imagine, you really are special @bradq ✨ ✨ 🥰 😍 😘
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