Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
Warpcast shows you a screen where you can "undo" your cast before you post it. Do you find this useful?
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Alok Vasudev pfp
Alok Vasudev
I’d much prefer to “undo” others’ casts
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Asymmetric upside for me: Never bothers me and sometimes helps me
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Colin pfp
I’ve never used it and find it annoying
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ccarella pfp
I find it useful and I like it.
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Steve pfp
Usually no. If I’m replying to many casts in a short period, I barely reread for typos and just rush to hit the cast button again. When I do need to take time to proofread, usually for longer casts, the timer is too short. My wish: make the character length a factor of the duration, and add a way to disable undo.
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chandresh 🪴 pfp
chandresh 🪴
no, need an option to disable it
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
Ended up being valuable thanks to the new autocorrect behaviors of iOS adding text to the end of my sentences that I didn’t intend to put
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max ⚡ pfp
max ⚡
If I had a choice, I'd disable it. At the very least, hitting the back arrow should undo not send cast
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grin↑ pfp
great timing! I hate it
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miguelito  pfp
Unnecessary friction
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Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
I like it, but I don't like how hitting the back button triggers submission and a slow loading state. would much prefer to see the screen, but easily be able to back out instantly.
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dawufi pfp
occasionally. I could do without it tho
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Michael Pfister pfp
Michael Pfister
Timer is too short when I actually try to use it
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aerique pfp
It's ok. Being able to edit casts would be better.
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alex pfp
I use it 1% of the time and would prefer if it was not there
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Mark Fishman pfp
Mark Fishman
I don’t like it personally But let’s see the data! What percent of the time is it used? By how many users?
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Tom Beck pfp
Tom Beck
No. I find the suggestion that I should post in channels annoying, too. It’s like Instagram constantly nudging me to transform all my content into Reels. I’ll do what I want, engagement be damned. 😅
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Nicholas Charriere pfp
Nicholas Charriere
Overall useful. A couple of times I hit cast and locked my phone so it didn’t send and I realized only much later but once adjusted it’s fine.
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Mantej Rajpal ↑ pfp
Mantej Rajpal ↑
Replacing the “undo” screen with the ability to edit a cast for ~1 minute after casting would have the same upside, no? (I’m assuming editing may add technical complexity and is not preferred atm) Or make the undo screen togglable as a setting—personally never used it
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