Discordian pfp
So my understanding is each Farcaster hub stores ALL the messages past, present, and future of Farcaster. Will there one day be lighter nodes that only store some? Otherwise, that sounds quite challenging to sustain 🤔. (Also found out Farcaster uses libp2p today, yay!)
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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
no, they only store the last ~1 year of messages, though you can choose to archive older messages in a separate system if youd like to
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Discordian pfp
Ooh thanks! I didn't know that, I came to my conclusion from this document: https://github.com/farcasterxyz/protocol#12-proposal specifically "each Hub stores all the messages on the network". It's wonderful to hear it's more flexible than that.
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