borodutch 👈👈😎👖💨 pfp
borodutch 👈👈😎👖💨
wtf is this @purple i never voted to increase the threshold for proposals i wanted to submit a proposal and i can't? i'm honestly quite dissatisfied with the most recent events 5eth proposal to fund a gamer community? funding a dev that brought *no* feasible results? what @purple needs to do is get shit together
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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
i'm pretty sure thats default nouns behavior (required votes is a percentage of supply) and @billzh already has a proposal to reduce that so anyone can propose
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borodutch 👈👈😎👖💨 pfp
borodutch 👈👈😎👖💨
i don't think so — i was able to submit this earlier
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