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Another thing: check vtru price. Boosters were sold for a price of 150 usd, and the same amount in vtru would be given to the investor in collectors credits. They decided in a price of 1.50 usd per vtru and then used the price of 2.50 usd/vtru. The problem was that 2.50 usd per vtru was also the price used to pay artists that had listed their work in USD. So imagine, you listed your work for 100 usd, and you sold it. Vitruveo paid you in vtru in a price of 2.50 usd per vtru. But when you go to the swapper to trade (of course, if before, you were able to wrap your vtru), vtru was at price of 0.5 usd per vtru (now you can see it is even lower, 0.3 usd per vtru). So your 100 usd which transformed in 25 vtru, when you got to sell it, you will receive 12.5 usdc pol. Now vitruveo pays at the price of vtru in the moment of sale or of listing (I am not sure). But the collectors paid for collectors credits in usd, the artist decided the price in usd, but the artists receive in downward unstable vtru. A REAL issue. 1 reply
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