Steen pfp
The vibe on nft twitter is so busted. Artists are hella burnt out and I'm pretty sure a wave is gonna leave during the summer If anyone here wants to buy some art hmu and I'll shoot you over to some of my favorite artists
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_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️ pfp
_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️
This the stuff to make it feel like there’s progress? The bad before the good. Been suspecting there’s a % reduction of a community that has to happen before new interest can (re)ignite.
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Steen pfp
Hmm potentially! There is a lot of onboarding to do for sure, and the more that can happen while things are bad the better. An influx from hype won't do any good
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_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️ pfp
_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️
I sure am interested to see if/how art makes a major comeback from the NFT explosion. Will it reward those who ground it out in the quiet times or was it more a passing meta in the broader crypto space. (Probs not that black and white but as a general idea.)
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