Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp

Uriana.Art 🌈🎩


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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
This was the moment I found out I love drawing with dry pastels ❤️
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
I forgot to tip yesterday omg 😭 It wasn't a lot, tho. Tell me how you feel lately? Is there something you would like to change? In my life everything is alright. But I'm studying for my 5 exams and I'm missing out a good part of crypto life 😅
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
I'm tired of posting. Lately I like and comment way less than before. It feels forced, because the majority of people here just post to post so the content loses it's sense and importance. I try to post nice things myself. I like to talk and share. But I'm also so tired 🥲 My session starts in a week. Pretty cat:
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
I remind you that you can mint this fresh evening on the sea and many other NFT's made by hand by me ❤️ https://zora.co/collect/zora:0xf97b29ba71acb7dc4ed74219d1dc75114e4adf42/1?referrer=0x33882dfEa013D9e1b94173b60E5b1D88876181d0
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
Asparagus with sesame sauce 😋 really tasty! Have you tried sesame sauce?
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
So I.... Bought 5 ml of this perfume today and these silly slippers aka sneakers. This perfume smells like heaven but it costs 80€ for 30 ml 🥲 The drops aren't that good anymore and my normal salary isn't really high so I'll try it for a month and I'll buy it ONLY if I'll still like it that much.
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
An enormous strawberry and my tapioca coconut bowl with strawberries and mangos 😋
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
Photo from my trip in Florence 🌞
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
Some curls photos 🌞
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
Mint my Perspective 🔥 you can find the description to this work opening the NFT :) https://zora.co/collect/zora:0x740f03e79ee5991b7ed286375e35589339816f07/1
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
What I like about Italy is that in many restaurants they serve you free appetizers. This marinated fish is fire 🔥 And a pretty candle "house" as a bonus 😁
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
My first still-life. You can see the description to it if you open the NFT ❤️ I spent many hours doing this work - maybe around 12. It's about 40 to 40 cm https://zora.co/collect/zora:0xf97b29ba71acb7dc4ed74219d1dc75114e4adf42/5?referrer=0x33882dfEa013D9e1b94173b60E5b1D88876181d0
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
This photoshoot was about overconsumption. But these photos turned out nice and not overloaded
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
My figurative art (I'm bad with anatomy 🥲 don't judge me)
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
A sketch I did a month ago 🌞
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
Do you know what plant this is? I have only seen it in Italy 😁
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
My cappuccino con cocoa. Do you like adding cocoa or cinnamon in your coffee? Or maybe you add something else?
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
I bought new pajamas and I really like it!! Summer is coming and I needed new pajamas haha. What do you need for summer?
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
Just normal views in Italy
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Uriana.Art 🌈🎩 pfp
Uriana.Art 🌈🎩
Found an asian shop in Florence and we bought these things. I have no idea what the two things on the left are tho, some kind of porridge 😁
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