underdog  pfp



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underdog  pfp
it's about to get spicy in here. baby Purple Murupi. notice I'm still dealing with some leaf damage from sluggy bois but I'm starting to win the battle.
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underdog  pfp
I forgot to label 4 tomatoes in grow bags and I'm most curious what the hell these ones are.
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underdog  pfp
the enemies have infiltrated. time to start grabbing them by hand and tossing them in the beer pool.
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underdog  pfp
support your tomatoes properly or you might literally watch it split in half down the stem from its own weight. a cautionary tale after celebrating how many tomatoes these dwarfs have yesterday 😂
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underdog  pfp
it might be a 2 foot tall dwarf plant but there's nothing small about these bunches, all over it. Orions Belt Dwarf Tomato. 🍅
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underdog  pfp
y grow 8 foot tomatoes wen 8 inch tomatoes do trick. really feel like basket / microdwarf toms will blow up soon if it becomes easier to get your hands on them.
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underdog  pfp
I'm losing the battle to gastropods. these 2 reapers were once the same size. the rear purple/peach reaper I was most excited for.. coffee ground weren't enough. beer caught dozens of slugs daily but not enough. applied kaolin clay last night as last resort. I have ~6 pepper plants I'm hoping to save, let's seeee.
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underdog  pfp
a less sexy wide shot of this tomato jungle I've created. stakes and Florida weave went in yesterday so I finally feel like I'm done with the setup.
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underdog  pfp
it's not even how much I saved, but that I wouldn't have been doing it at all. thanks, base. How much have you saved transacting on Base? - Frame by @apex777
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underdog  pfp
looking forward to these Boxers Rebellion dwarf/bush tomatoes. A plum/icicle style cherry. Ripens bright red. Bush is under 2 feet, but wider than it is tall, very vine like for a bush.
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underdog  pfp
I started my dwarf/bush tomatoes in the basement from seed in January so I could get tomatoes in June in zone 6a. first tomatoes showing right on time. 🚀
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underdog  pfp
I expected the black variagated leaves. I didn't expect the flowers to be purple. Mattapeno x Mutant pepper F2. sharing a grow bag with the same seed plant but plant 2 only has some mild white leaf variagating. so neat how unstable crosses can be so unique.
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underdog  pfp
Fellas run Lisbon this week. here's what you see walking into NFC Lisbon.
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underdog  pfp
had to finish the yard before heading to Lisbon tomorrow. final touches added a mulberry bush, honeyberry bush, and Hardy kiwi vine. Its a small yard, but managed to pack in 22 unique heirloom tomatoes, 18 fabric bagged peppers, cucumbers, 7 different berry bushes (4 new this year), cherry and peach tree.
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underdog  pfp
these are my 7bbl tanks. what would a /basedfellas beer taste like.
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underdog  pfp
new additions. Black currant, red currant, goji berry. I just learned Goji was friendly in zone 6a so I had to get one. still on the hunt for a few more exotics that grow well here.
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underdog  pfp
Luna. Queen of the Castle.
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underdog  pfp
cute variagating leaves on this Mattapeno x Mutant F2. 2 plants, one 7 gal bucket.
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underdog  pfp
mock up UI for Kings Chests update v2. are you in degen chat? we're beta testing.
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underdog  pfp
zone 6a. plum sized tomato on a 6 inch tall micro dwarf. gm.
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