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David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
tipping accounts just for engaging with your cast, without them contributing anything beyond their participation in boosting your visibility and $degen allocation is gaming the system and defeating the point of decentralizating tips. These are falsely inflated tip allocations being self dealt and farmed with bots
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🐹 pfp
hi, the moneygun was created wth the intention of creating an easier way to tip nft holders who "claim" they have minted the artists' works i hate bot farming too and it should not be tolerated. once considered not hosting it anymore, but changed my mind after seeing proper use cases from @pichi and @nomadicframe
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🐹 pfp
guess there are good/evil to everything in this world. if you have any good ideas how i can prevent bots from using it, please enlighten me!
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nomadicframe 🎩 πŸ”-' pfp
nomadicframe 🎩 πŸ”-'
Thanks mfer! Any tool can be used or abused I think people should be less worried about the noise and more focused on the value they bring pew pew
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α‘­iα‘•α•Όi πŸŽ©πŸŒΈπŸ–πŸΉπŸ‘ pfp
α‘­iα‘•α•Όi πŸŽ©πŸŒΈπŸ–πŸΉπŸ‘
I can’t wait to see people use it to reward all kind of NFTs, tokens, hyper subs, etc. the possibilities are endless and it’s been delightful to tip with floaties which are real degen or other coins. I adore trying to push this to its limits!
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