TZ03🔹️ pfp



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TZ03🔹️ pfp
Over the last week I have noticed an increase in bots commenting under my casts. Is there a fix for this other than blocking?
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TZ03🔹️ pfp
The @apesociety is building - a platform that allows projects to give away/reward tokens to users of the new coinbase smart wallet. The universal smart wallet allows seamless integration with L2s and onchain apps, creating a fast, secure, and user-friendly experience. There is no need for multiple wallets and long seed phrases. /base The onboard platform has begun the testing phase. As a tester, the process was very quick and easy. Creating a wallet is extremely fast and simple. Navigation was smooth and claiming tokens has never been easier. A few more updates and she'll be ready to go. /apesociety Build, participate, have fun and get rewarded! Coming Soon! /onchainsummer 😎🌴🏖
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TZ03🔹️ pfp
Sabastian de la Cruz didn't get the memo it was 90° out. He said the gear protects his skin. I think he has other ideas...🥵 The cave system around here gets very cold the deeper you go. Rumors have spread of hidden treasures within. He was holding a mysterious blue rock in his hand...Something seems off. /onchainsummer - "Sapphires" coming soon! 🔹️
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TZ03🔹️ pfp
Let the fun begin! 🎬 /apesociety has jumped right into action. The team is currently building to help drive in new users for the @base ecosystem. Keep cool, enjoy the weather, and join us on our adventure to new horizons. Stay tuned! The tiki bar will reach full capacity before you know it! /onchainsummer
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TZ03🔹️ pfp
I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer. /onchainsummer /base /apesociety @jessepollak
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TZ03🔹️ pfp
OᑎᑕᕼᗩIᑎ ᔑᑌᗰᗰEᖇ Iᔑ ᕼEᖇE 🔆 /apesociety /onchainsummer @upwind Pantaleon Mars is enjoying the summer breeze. Always remember, "a ball will go farther if you hit it in the wrong direction."
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TZ03🔹️ pfp
Janvier Taylor, a craftsman royal knight of the /apesociety riding his trusted steed in the mountain sunset. "House of Taylor" Oil on canvas paintings produced by /carverscanvas 🔥👀
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TZ03🔹️ pfp
🔆 ITᔑ OᑎᑕᕼᗩIᑎ ᔑᑌᗰᗰEᖇ 🔆 /onchainsummer @apesociety has landed on /base. Let's build, create, and connect. 🌴
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TZ03🔹️ pfp
This week I set up an account on @warpcast, set up an eth wallet, migrated my NFT's to @base, engaged with casts, followed builders, and created some Fan Art utilizing AI. I am learning as I go.
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TZ03🔹️ pfp
"The royal road to ape's hearts is to talk to them about the things they treasure." 🔹️Sapphires🔹️ @base
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TZ03🔹️ pfp
"Change is an opportunity. Survival is not the goal, transformative success IS." Apes are arriving to the ARC and bridging to @base . Our voyage home awaits! @apesociety 👣
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TZ03🔹️ pfp
Special thanks to Doork East residents! Thank you for opening your doors. Sebastian de la Cruz has received his honorable badge.
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TZ03🔹️ pfp
We have traversed the unknown with fearless grit. We have weathered tumultuous crowds that doubted our fundamentals. Our journey has been rigorous, yet we have not yielded. We advance from the Renaissance to the Industrial Age. A new era dawns, The Great Migration is upon us. @base @apesociety
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