txj334 pfp



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txj334 pfp
If you want to get the best thing in this world, you must first show the world the best of you. Live bravely, make your dreams resound, and keep your loved ones hopeful!
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txj334 pfp
Half of fate is in your hands, and the other half is where you have walked.
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txj334 pfp
In this world, there is no right choice at all. We just need to work hard to make our original choices right.
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txj334 pfp
There is never a lack of exciting freshness in this world.
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txj334 pfp
Overfocusing on others and craving attention from others can be tiring. Getting used to being alone is a good thing, but later you realize that there are fewer and fewer people you want to rely on and connect with, and people become calm and composed, no longer so tired.
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txj334 pfp
Go for the beauty, don't listen to unpleasant words, unpleasant things will slowly pass, and cuteness will happen. I know you are really working hard on the road to a better place, and don't forget to tell yourself that you have worked hard.
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txj334 pfp
No matter which level one reaches in life, someone is looking up at you at the bottom and someone is looking down on you at the top. You look up and feel inferior, but only by looking down can you see your true self.
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txj334 pfp
Always live to show yourself, and your smile should be particularly bright. Don't care about others' pointing and pointing, be yourself, make those who look down on you look down on you, and make those who look up to you like you more.
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txj334 pfp
What you think differently is called life, and what you think the same is called fairy tales.
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txj334 pfp
Ten miles of clear breeze, ten thousand hectares of starry river, you are like them, all small treasures.
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txj334 pfp
Once the wind and moon, the lips speak half, and the letter speaks the other half.
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txj334 pfp
Received your new message, it's not your phone that vibrates, but your heart.
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txj334 pfp
Dreams can be extravagant. Ideals are the bumpy paths we step on step by step.
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txj334 pfp
A woman with a support is her welfare spirit, and a woman without a support should motivate herself.
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txj334 pfp
Received your new message, it's not your phone that vibrates, but your heart.
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txj334 pfp
No choice is the best choice. The art of life lies in giving up, giving up is for better possession.
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txj334 pfp
In fact, there are many turning points in life, and each time you choose a turning point, the scenery ahead will be completely different.
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txj334 pfp
When you meet a lovely person, life is no longer difficult, whether it's on the street or in the evening breeze, it's all sweet.
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txj334 pfp
The biggest problem with living alone for a long time is not wanting to say a lot, not wanting to be disturbed, but also craving to be embraced.
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txj334 pfp
If you're not happy, then go out for a walk, the world is so big. The scenery is beautiful, there are many opportunities, and life is short. Don't curl up in a shadow.
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