Tushar Panigrahi  pfp

Tushar Panigrahi


461 Following

Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Good morning guys Summer vacation on 🎭🎭
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Good morning To everyone 🙏 🎭🎭
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Holders of the MASK token can participate in the governance of the network, influencing decisions such as protocol upgrades, new feature implementations, and other critical aspects of the ecosystem
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Mask 🎭🎭
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Mask Network is a decentralized application designed to bring Web 3.0 functionalities to social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
By leveraging blockchain technology, Zora ensures that the marketplace operates without a central authority, allowing users to have full control over their creations and transactions.
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Zora enables creators to embed royalty streams into their tokenized assets.
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Grow up 🔥🔥
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Zora Network is a blockchain-based protocol focused on enabling creators to tokenize and monetize their work directly, without intermediaries.
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Zora aims to revolutionize the way creators monetize their work and interact with their audience in the digital age, offering more autonomy, transparency, and potential revenue streams.
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
🌀 Cast and get 3 free spins to earn points. Points will be exchanged for tokens at the end of the 1st season. 🫂 Get 3 more spins for each friend you invite. Read the «Rules» section to learn more. ☀️ Enter Onchain Summer with /pill
13 replies
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
🌀 Cast and get 3 free spins to earn points. Points will be exchanged for tokens at the end of the 1st season. 🫂 Get 3 more spins for each friend you invite. Read the «Rules» section to learn more. ☀️ Enter Onchain Summer with /pill
1 reply
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Build up and see how it works
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Wow it's up again 🙂
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Zora Network is governed by its community of users. Token holders have the ability to participate in governance decisions, such as protocol upgrades and changes to platform parameters, through a decentralized governance mechanism.
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Zora tokens represent ownership of digital goods and can be traded on decentralized marketplaces.
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Various marketplaces and platforms built on Zora enable users to discover, buy, and trade NFTs.
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
The platform is designed with creators in mind, ensuring that they maintain more control over their work. Zora enables artists and creators to retain ownership and receive perpetual royalties from secondary sales of their NFTs.
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Zora operates on a decentralized infrastructure, meaning there is no central authority controlling the marketplace.
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Tushar Panigrahi  pfp
Tushar Panigrahi
Zora's goal is to provide users with a decentralized and transparent alternative to traditional finance, empowering them with greater control over their assets and financial activities.
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24 reactions