Bình ThiðŸŽðŸ’ƒ
My fav AMM Liquidity "Aerodrome" is the ultimate liquidity hub on Base, blending strong incentives, cutting-edge governance, and seamless user experience. It’s where innovation meets opportunity. AerodromeFi rewards those driving its growth. All protocol revenue is redistributed as incentives to $veAERO voters, ensuring sustainability and community alignment 😶 https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/e6386cbf7a6d4a09568d40dadc10676a4401e52c3a9a0734ba5f5d0ceb0813aa.webp
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Teddy Bear ðŸŽ
Exceptional! Jolly good! 🤤😜 @thibinh
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