trmid.eth pfp



71 Following

trmid.eth pfp
Just added some $cbETH to the PoolTogether party! πŸŽ‰ Let's ride this wave together! πŸŒŠπŸ’Έ
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trmid.eth pfp
Deposits get you points Points win you prizes PoolTogether is beautifully simple if you think about it like this.
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trmid.eth pfp
πŸ“’ Calling all builders πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ If you are looking to build on PoolTogether, I want to help you. If you're looking for alpha or beta, my DMs are the best source.
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trmid.eth pfp
Building on PoolTogether? Here's what's in your toolbox: 1. 🎁 Delegations are used to gift winning chance 2. πŸͺ Prize Hooks are like power ups for your wins 3. ⌚ Rewards can be distributed fairly to depositors (even retroactively!) 4. πŸ† The prize pool is 100% permissionless. Let's grow it together πŸ’ͺ
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trmid.eth pfp
Does warpcast push out half-baked features on purpose so that other devs get mad and say "hold my beer while I make a better farcaster app for this"? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” 100 IQ move
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trmid.eth pfp
The great part is that PoolTogether has endless apps and user experiences that can be built on top of the open base layer of prize savings. The hard part is getting to the tipping point where people start building.
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trmid.eth pfp
Prize claimers just got an upgrade! You can now calculate prize winners for each draw in a matter of seconds using fewer RPC calls: The foundry-winner-calc toolkit fetches TWAB info and uses it to calculate winners completely offline for higher performance!
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trmid.eth pfp
TODO: build a card game on top of /pool-together where you mint a card pack by depositing $x and you can get it back at anytime by burning the cards also, winning a prize through that pack should evolve some cards πŸŽ‰β¬†οΈ
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trmid.eth pfp
'tis the season
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trmid.eth pfp
gm to all the cozy kitties out there
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trmid.eth pfp
Someone should make an NFT that mints for you the next time you win a prize in PoolTogether. πŸ†πŸ–ΌοΈ It can be set as a hook that is called when the winner receives their prize and it can use the random number from the draw in some combination with the winner's address as entropy to randomly generate traits.
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trmid.eth pfp
The daily kibble protest πŸˆβ€β¬›
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trmid.eth pfp
Just added some $USDC.e to the PoolTogether party! πŸŽ‰ Let's ride this wave together! πŸŒŠπŸ’Έ
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trmid.eth pfp
Who's that PoolΓ©mon?
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