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Danica Swanson
A fun way to do "slowcore" artist + writer collabs: - @edit uploads collections of Zorbish art to /zora - I browse the art at leisure - Every 1-2 weeks I collect + tip one of my favorites - In the comment field, I write a little 50-word story about each piece (and all comments appear on /tokenchat) - /zora creator rewards go directly to the artist - If applicable, rewards also go directly to me (first-minter, referral, and/or tipper rewards from @enjoytech.eth) Maximal enjoyment. Minimal time pressure/admin overhead. Both of us get paid in ETH seamlessly. Love it.
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Danica Swanson
Oy. I think Warpcast is still having network issues, because this cast isn't appearing in the Main feed. Gonna try temporarily disabling the /airstack moderation and see if that helps. Casts from the channel owner should show up in the Main feed no matter what. Or maybe I'll just delete this cast and recast later.
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Danica Swanson
Admin note for future reference: removing @notabot as moderator worked. This cast appeared in the Main feed instantly when I did that. So if casts aren't making it into the Main feed at all, this is our temporary solution. Once the WC network issues are fixed, I'll go back into Airstack and set up moderation again. cc @trishd
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Interesting. Did you remove it permanently, or was it more like a reboot turning off and on again type thing?
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Danica Swanson
I just went into the settings on Warpcast and removed Not A Bot as the moderator, so for awhile the channel had no moderation. That way all casts appeared in the main feed, which is what I wanted in this case. Now the WC network issues are resolved, so I added Not A Bot on WC as moderator again (for both channels I own), and then went into Airstack to give it permission to go through the old casts to apply the rules I specified in the Airstack "edit moderation" page. It was pretty quick. Took me much longer to think through and pinpoint what was going on and how to troubleshoot than it did to actually apply the fix. But as you know, the steep learning curves are a "we're so early" thing. This is what the moderation page looks like. The channel owner is the only one who can do this at the moment, even though I've named you as a moderator (via Airstack). There may be another way to give you those permissions, but I haven't looked into it yet.
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