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Tay Zonday
Critiquing “liberalism” is great. We should understand attitudes and terms that can be used to erase and oppress. However— any “leftist” talking about “liberalism” the same way a KKK Grand Dragon talks about non-Aryan blood should make you wonder: You should wonder why they preach black and white “purity politics” rather than aspirational consciousness that offers to further any individual on their journey; You should wonder why their “revolution” reduces your family, friends and role models to a eugenic identity defined by the oppressor; You should wonder why their loyalty to a dogma resembles loyalty to a religion, and why that loyalty sounds like right-wing theocracy with a wardrobe change. If you see a “leftist” like this, remind them that the revolution has room for the willing. Remind them that loudly signaling “leftism” with a bullhorn is an unequal privilege denied to many who are marginalized and oppressed BY liberalism—and not a character attribute.
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I would triple heart this if I could. I see a lot of this
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