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Trish🫧 pfp
I have so much to say about this. My best unsolicited advice is to quit making rules you know you can’t enforce. Also a little less surveillance and more frank honest conversations you think your kids are too young for. I’m mostly glad I did these things the way I did. I have regrets for sure though
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Trish🫧 pfp
I started out thinking I would watch everything. I did for like a month when she was in jr. High. It felt shitty. Kids were swearing and being 13. It was sweet but none of my business. There is absolutely such a thing as knowing too much. I reserved the right to spot check an confiscate…
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Trish🫧 pfp
She got busted for normal stuff but nothing crazy. I attribute that to early, frank conversations about sex, assault, shared photos live forever, strangers and they’re strategies. I got a lot of eyeballs from parents who thought they could replace talking like this with rules and spying. They were wrong.
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🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ pfp
🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ
Wish you could’ve convinced my Republiconservative anti-vaxxer attack helicopter parent of an older sister I got stuck with.. those poor nephews of mine, never had a chance.
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Trish🫧 pfp
Yeah. I’m so sorry. My folks were like that too except neglect instead of helicopter. See Latchkey 😂. But obeying without explanation was the only way. I moved out when I was 14. The disrespect and absolute refusal to understand or answer questions was maddening. That’s probably why I parented the way I did
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🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ pfp
🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ
What I feel is that deep down kids feel massively disrespected whether they understand it that way or not when a parent treats them as subhuman. They pick up what’s being put down, whether the parent knows it or not. It doesn’t turn out well to treat humans as though they are subhuman, as we’ve seen..
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🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ pfp
🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ
There’s a massive difference in treating your kid like they’re an idiot vs respecting their individual human sovereignty and treating them respectfully of their right to existence—that they didn’t ask for even, mind you. 😢
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Trish🫧 pfp
So much this. Seems to me just about all suffering stems from repression or repressing. Kids are just less experienced humans. And on that note, they have rights to know the truth long before they are 18. Any parent denying their rights to it or to seek it are indoctrinating them. A crime against humanity, really
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🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ pfp
🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ
Precisely my thoughts 😢 Nailed it. Indoctrination. Pure and simple. My worst nightmare.
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