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Trish🫧 pfp
I have so much to say about this. My best unsolicited advice is to quit making rules you know you can’t enforce. Also a little less surveillance and more frank honest conversations you think your kids are too young for. I’m mostly glad I did these things the way I did. I have regrets for sure though
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Trish🫧 pfp
I started out thinking I would watch everything. I did for like a month when she was in jr. High. It felt shitty. Kids were swearing and being 13. It was sweet but none of my business. There is absolutely such a thing as knowing too much. I reserved the right to spot check an confiscate…
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Trish🫧 pfp
She got busted for normal stuff but nothing crazy. I attribute that to early, frank conversations about sex, assault, shared photos live forever, strangers and they’re strategies. I got a lot of eyeballs from parents who thought they could replace talking like this with rules and spying. They were wrong.
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🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ pfp
🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ
Wish you could’ve convinced my Republiconservative anti-vaxxer attack helicopter parent of an older sister I got stuck with.. those poor nephews of mine, never had a chance.
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Trish🫧 pfp
And also, don’t get it twisted. I’m still stacking up tuition next to the therapy bills. 😂 Parenting all the way through is humbling AF
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