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realized this channel isn't going to work without discourse. my default reaction is to go full OCD journalist and turn over every stone and every POV myself, and that's cool and all but also doesn't really have the effect of illuminating my blind spots. it just more explicitly defines the border between my ignorance and my awareness. gotta get better at facilitating conversation and nerdsniping. and need a culture of sharing interesting reframes.
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It is very challenging to build a new community and cultural behavior like reframing. I think it's a really cool idea, and could totally take off! I think this could be a fun application of @givebot to give onchain reputation to ppl for engaging in this kind of thinking and referring it back to the channel to seed the feed with curated discourse.
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thank you! i appreciate that a lot! re: @givebot — interesting idea, a lot to think about here. gut reaction is that i'm wary of explicit incentives before community fit and values and social norms; and i'm jaded on reputation systems for reasons i can't decompress in this moment... hm. im keeping an open mind though. i don't want to overfit, but im not explicitly opposed.
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I respect that you recognize the gravity of incentives. I wouldn't rush into anything either! Also, curious to crack open that reputation wound if you're ever interested!
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nutshell: low confidence in the usefulness categorization systems, generally. i think trust has time dynamics, accrual mechanisms, and unlimited hidden conditionals that... i'm coming to think might not even be useful to quantify. i.e. any time i try to use a reputation system, I'm often left with more questions than answers. haven't seen anyone solve this outside of highly niche specializations, tbh. leads me to believe context is not something you can "capture" but something you must "express" eg. I can "express" to you why I'm a skilled arborist (for example) but someone else can't meaningfully "capture" that information in order to re-convey it to someone else
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