towards pfp



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towards pfp
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towards pfp
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towards pfp
今日食谱🥘酸辣番茄鸡 虾仁蒸蛋 凉拌菠菜 又到了在小厨房叮叮哐哐的时间啦👩‍🍳 今日份的家常菜都很下饭,家里的鸡腿肉和鸡胸肉正好做一份酸辣番茄鸡🍅酸酸辣辣吃起来非常过瘾,想要低卡些,可以全用鸡胸肉做,也很香🤤 搭配虾仁蒸蛋还很下饭,还有凉拌菠菜粉丝吃起来酸辣爽口,很舒服的一顿饭啦~
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towards pfp
shared with @gif (follow @0xconca.eth to remove this watermark)
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towards pfp
春夏真的好需要 内搭外穿都好看的白t 这件短袖真的搭了我好多衣服~ 超爱这种微宽松的版型,不挑身材不挑人 单穿很有少年感,叠穿不显臃肿纯棉面料也不易皱,越穿越舒服,这件百搭t恤真的可以冲!!!!!😍
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luc pfp
another banger from @jrf 14 PB so far
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antimo 🎩 pfp
antimo 🎩
it is the year of our lord 2025 and mfp still looks like this
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Leo pfp
Does anyone know how a phishing hack would be treated for crypto-tax purposes? I saw an article saying you cannot treat it as a tax-loss, then another article immediately contradicting it, saying you could?
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towards pfp
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Alok Vasudev pfp
Alok Vasudev
“In hindsight, it should have been obvious that when Trump launched his coin it meant X” Solve for X
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
We are indeed currently in the process of large changes to EF leadership structure, which has been ongoing for close to a year. Some of this has already been executed on and made public, and some is still in progress. What we're trying to achieve is primarily the following goals: * Improve level of technical expertise within EF leadership * Improve two-way communications and ties between EF leadership and the ecosystem actors, old and new, that it is our role to support: users (individual and institutional), app devs, wallets, L2s * Bring in fresh talent, improve execution ability and speed * Become more actively supportive of app builders, and make sure important values and inalienable rights (esp privacy, open source, censorship resistance) are a reality for users including at the app layer * Continue to increase our use of decentralized and privacy tech and the Ethereum chain, including for payments and treasury management ...
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