torii.base.eth pfp
Khloe Kardashian just published a video with Dr Steven Greer 👀🤨 I wanna preface this to say that I grew up in a weird forward household, I went to bed many nights listening to Art Bell and would hear first-hand stories of Bigfoot and UFOs from my dad and grandfather. I’ll put my thoughts in this thread as I watch the video “making contact with extraterrestrials ft Dr. Steven Greer | Khloé in wonder land ep. 8” my alarm bells are going off — this feels like disinformation Greer has always rubbed me the wrong way, iykwim — he reeks of psyop in a whole other way than someone like Luis Elizondo (who also seems like they are just a tool of some 3 letter agency)
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torii.base.eth pfp
I’m sorry … 69 species? come on—👀😏
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torii.base.eth pfp
After the intro they have set up that he is not involved in the psyop, since he mentions the op. I’m starting to question if I should watch this dribble — mainly cause I’ve seen his whole circuit, I’ve heard his shit before. I’ll push through. — even just ‘cause this is interesting placement, being on a kardashian platform. and hey — maybe at the end of this I’ll have better language to explain why I fucking loath Greer, given the fact that i follow and believe most of this core tenants about nhi
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torii.base.eth pfp
Greer just name dropping Demi Lovato in every 👏🏼 single 👏🏼 interview 😒
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torii.base.eth pfp
ew, then the ads on YouTube were for some holy land Hallow —something or other 🥴
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torii.base.eth pfp
Greer is (again) saying this is the year for disclosure — mkay I’m tired of hearing “this year”
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torii.base.eth pfp
what if these nhi just send us a postcard on how to make our own zero point energy systems? why not just mass spam the information?
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torii.base.eth pfp
shout out to WPAFB 🤘🏼
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torii.base.eth pfp
there’s Demi mentioned again 😒
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torii.base.eth pfp
tbh I’ve tried CE5 contact, and gotten nothin’ ew, as I’m typing this … Khloe is using the word “chosen” (referring to Greer) that is off putting — Greer responds by saying something to the effect that many don’t heed the call, and rolls into talking about how JFK was killed over “this”
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torii.base.eth pfp
2/3 through now — I’m curious to how this is being received by non weirdos (like myself)
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torii.base.eth pfp
“demigogs and control freaks — using fear to control the masses. “
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torii.base.eth pfp
“if aliens were here with the intent to hurt, they would have done it already” — as they explain infiltration and fear tactics and basically a fear loop or spiral. seems naive to just say “they could have, and since they didn’t — they must be good!”
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torii.base.eth pfp
“miraculously” - Khloe
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torii.base.eth pfp
I, Torii, think many nhi are concerned about our hostility and human tragedy — but many could likely feed off the fear, the hostility, the inhumane. I stopped attempting calling them in because of my lack of control of who would pick up the line. It’s the same reason I think DMT isn’t a cure all or answer, you can find charlatans and manipulators in that realm just as much as you can find helpers
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0ffline.xo 👽🪐✨ pfp
0ffline.xo 👽🪐✨
STOP !! I was about to post about this, idk this feels so weird I havent watched the whole thing tho
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0ffline.xo 👽🪐✨ pfp
0ffline.xo 👽🪐✨
In the middle of this interview I had a feeling that khloe was kinda bored xD them he got interesting again
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arfonzo pfp
I used to listen to Art Bell's show every time it was on! Good times.
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