tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp



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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
"Vagabond" is the story of the samurai Miyamoto Musashi. It is created by Takehiko Inoue, the author of Slam Dunk. Not only is the story captivating, but each frame’s coolness and beauty make it an amazing work. Some critics say that his art style is too photographic and doesn’t capture the dynamic movements typical of manga, but I love his work.
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
This is a nori bento The definition of a nori bento is seaweed on top of white rice! In addition, fried white fish, croquettes, grilled fish fillets, etc. are usually placed on top.
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
Today, to help people using different languages better understand each other's feelings, I'd like to share my perspective as a Japanese person on expressions used at the end of sentences. After reading my cast, if you have any advice on how things might be done differently in your culture, please let me know. Japanese people sometimes add "笑" (wara) or "w" at the end of sentences. Both characters mean "laugh." By adding these characters, we: Literally express that we find something funny Convey that there's no ill intent in a sentence that could otherwise be read negatively The disadvantages of using these characters include: They might make you appear weak when you want to make a strong statement They can seem a bit childish or inappropriate when communicating with superiors Based on this, I have three questions for everyone. Some of these questions might have overlapping meanings: 1/2
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
Do you know this tool? This is called a katsuobushi grater. In Japanese cuisine, umami is an important element in making delicious dishes. There are various ingredients used to make dashi, the umami-packed stock, such as kombu (kelp) and shiitake mushrooms, but the most commonly used ingredient is katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes). While pre-shaved katsuobushi is widely available and delicious, the flavor of freshly shaved katsuobushi is exceptional. In our household, we often use the umami from katsuobushi to make miso soup and simmered dishes.
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
I find out what day it is today by checking the magazine section at the convenience store. Today, Thursday, is the release day of a magazine called Young Jump. I regularly read more than ten different manga, but today I want to introduce one of them: "Baki." It's a martial arts manga that almost all Japanese men and former boys have probably read. I think manga can be broadly divided into two categories: fantasy and realistic stories. The series started in 1991, and in the early stages, it had a strong realistic taste. However, as the story progressed and the characters became stronger and stronger, the fantasy elements became more prominent. Nowadays, it’s also enjoyable to read from a gag manga perspective.
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
It seems that the spam filter we previously mentioned on this channel has been announced. Those who were mistakenly labeled with this tag will be addressed.
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
It's a manga about two high school students (Seto and Utsumi) who just chat in a park after school. The genre is comedy. It has also been adapted into a movie and a drama. Despite its simple structure, it has a unique rhythm that feels like watching a comedy duo, making it very entertaining.
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
Is the score of the person in first place 70? I just can't get past 19.
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
Thank you always for your wonderful product. I am in a situation like the one shown in the attached cast, so I am even more grateful for your app. I have two concerns about your app, and I would appreciate it if you could answer them. As shown in the attached photo, when I look at my page in the Recaster app, the latest cast is from two days ago. However, I have made casts after that. Q1. Is the difference in content between Recaster and Warpcast due to a time lag or a bug? Please tell me the cause. Q2. If my app operation method is incorrect, please tell me how to correct the discrepancy between the two apps.
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
To all my friends who are supporting my efforts to earn a PB, I'm sorry. I might have been unfairly labeled. Since this hasn't been made public, it could be a bug. I am attached to this account what I met all of you. There are people working to resolve this issue. So, until this issue reaches a conclusion, I will continue working hard to earn a PB with this account. I will let you know as soon as I have any updates, regardless of the outcome. This has turned into a bit of a rambling message, hasn't it? There are three things I want to convey with this post: First, there's no need to worry, but it might be a good idea to correctly understand your situation. Second, I might have to start fresh with a different account. Third, for now, I will continue to aim for PB with this account! Because I am attached to it, and earning a PB under these challenging circumstances would be even cooler. Plus, it would give hope to others in the same situation.
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
見落としだったらすいません! こっちのチャンネルで見かけなかったのでいちよ引用 僕もスパムラベルついてました 1週間くらい前は大丈夫だったのに 心当たりはチップのお返しです まだ大丈夫な人は注意してください!
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
@bountybot の日本語向けFAQ作るのに求人出てますよー! 英語できる方います? There's a job posting for creating a Japanese FAQ for @bountybot! Is there anyone who can speak English?
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
I want to use Moshicam📷✨ If anyone has an invitation code, could you give it to me? Oh! Please give it to me after Kenji.👇
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
@linda, I didn't see where I should ask you a question, so excuse me for this channel. I'm interested in the @bountycaster you created, is $BERRY available?
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
引用元のキャストにコメントと、チャンネルフォローで10000 $berryもらえるみたい! 良かったら是非🍓 It looks like you can get 10000 $berry for commenting on the quote cast and following the channel! You should try it if you like 🍓.
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
Today I would like to introduce myself based on yesterday's advice from @burrrrrberry -chan. My name is Tomoyuki Suzuki. Only my last name is the same as Ichiro's. My family consists of my wife and two sons who turned two years old today. (By the way, my sons and I have the same birthday.) My hobbies are listening to music, reading books, and now communicating with you through WC. I used to go to live concerts frequently before Corona became popular. At its peak, I went to 9 gigs a week and my liver hurt all the time until I drank alcohol at the next gig! If you are interested in Japanese music, let me know your favorite strain of artists and I will recommend them to you! I have been too busy lately to do this, but I also like to read and at a good pace I was reading about 50 books a month. I especially like philosophy, social sciences, and psychology! 1/
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
Terraformers. This work is about mankind's battle against cockroaches and viruses that have evolved in the Martian environment. I was looking forward to seeing the latest episode every week when it came out, but it had been on hiatus for a long time! I'm glad to see that it has come back on an irregular basis since last month!
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
もうこんばんはな時間に! スマホでWCできないと投稿キツいなー もうたと数時間ですが今日もよろしくです☀️
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
Now I have a problem. I'd be happy to borrow your wisdom on this cast! And I hope to help others who have the same problem as I do, now or in the future. When I open the Warpcast app on my phone, it crashes within seconds! Does anyone know how to fix this symptom? Details are in the cast of quotes. If you don't know, is it possible to ask for the wisdom of a friend who might?
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tomo🐹🦀🎭♪🏢🍓 pfp
This is my first time to cast on this channel! Is the channel owner @cameron or @kenny ? Excuse me for interrupting. I'm having trouble with my Warpcast app! I'm Japanese and don't have a PB! I think the attached cast should be posted to /warpcast, but my cast can't reach many people on that channel! Also, I am not familiar with overseas channels, so I casted it to this famous channel that I know. If any of you who are watching this cast know how to solve the problem of the attached cast, please let me know! Or, if you know someone who can solve the problem, please let me know, or spread the attached cast to them.
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