tomato pfp



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tomato pfp
Is there a github repo for warpcast where we can make issues for UX/UI issues, suggestions and improvements? Or what is the best way to do that?
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tomato pfp
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tomato pfp
I do like Farcaster but my feed contains a lot of casino looking stuff. "casino stuff" obviously attracts a lot of users and gets TXs up in the short term, but in my own personal experience on another project those users tend to be low quality and it can end up leaving a bit of a negative appearance of a project (to new users) and can overshadow genuine/HQ contributions. If you get too much of the airdrop/casino crowd it can dominate things (IMHO) "If I was the king of farcaster for a day" I would personally work on surfacing frames that aren't as focused on purely speculative value (particularly casino-esque stuff) and also maybe consider prioritizing the v2 channel spec because it can supercharge building mini-communities which can generate a lot of intangible value. I think there's space for some very interesting stuff with channels. I'm still exploring though and excited to see where farcaster goes! @dwr.eth
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tomato pfp
The true secret of web3: make a project with such an esoteric name and design that no one knows what in the fuck it actually does unless they go on a wild goose chase across a dozen different websites and 14 github repos. Make sure that all account descriptions are as vague as possible. And it is generally always something that is extremely reductive.
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tomato pfp
Worse than having governance captured by people who may have dubious intentions is to have governance taken over by people who don't contribute at all and just want to enact Pournelle's iron law of bureaucracy: "In any bureaucracy, the people devoted to the benefit of the bureaucracy itself always get in control and those dedicated to the goals that the bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and sometimes are eliminated entirely."
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tomato pfp
I don't think AI-moderated stuff will ever really scale or work well besides for very generic content. Unless the content is AI generated itself, a pivotal part of internet communities is being able to engage in a way that self-moderates spaces. If you don't make an appealing way for people to have agency in curating their own spaces then you will not attract high quality contributors.
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tomato pfp
Couldn't agree more. As soon as you call things "apps" you get added to the pile of generic internet stuff and lumped in with smartphone apps (which people are already hesitant to install nowadays). There's already been a ton of web3 projects with apps/dApps and adopting that name makes it very hard to stand out.
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tomato pfp
The true secret of web3: make a project with such an esoteric name and design that no one knows what in the fuck it actually does unless they go on a wild goose chase across a dozen different websites and 14 github repos. Make sure that all account descriptions are as vague as possible. And it is generally always something that is extremely reductive.
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tomato pfp
My biggest gripe with Frames is discoverability. Few if any of them explain what they do. They don't even explain it when you open them, nor is it explained on the Frames tab either. It makes it really difficult to surface interesting ones. I personally have little interest in gambling/DeFi stuff, so I want to surface other stuff that is creative--categories could work well too.
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tomato pfp
My biggest gripe with Frames is discoverability. Few if any of them explain what they do. They don't even explain it when you open them, nor is it explained on the Frames tab either. It makes it really difficult to surface interesting ones. I personally have little interest in gambling/DeFi stuff, so I want to surface other stuff that is creative--categories could work well too.
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tomato pfp
Is anyone experimenting with data visualization for hardware + farcaster? wall displays showing cool data etc?
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tomato pfp
I just registered for @ampsfun
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tomato pfp
I'm a Builder-Decentralist (-8.9, -4.5) on the Onchain Alignment Chart! Check out your position:
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tomato pfp
presto: ("The Discretionary Community Building Fund - Creator Token - v2") the name probably needs some work!
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tomato pfp
Working on an idea for community building on Joystream & Gleev
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tomato pfp
Just got my Joystream Onekey hardware wallet, cool stuff! You can get one here:
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