Pierre Pauze ↑ 🔵 🎩🚽 pfp
Pierre Pauze ↑ 🔵 🎩🚽
Meanwhile on twitter : The NSA invented Bitcoin? 1996 paper titled: HOW TO MAKE A MINT: THE CRYPTOGRAPHY OF ANONYMOUS ELECTRONIC CASH*
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Max Jackson ✨🎩 pfp
Max Jackson ✨🎩
Honestly would be pretty good reason for the person(s) behind Nakamoto to stay anonymous lol.
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Pierre Pauze ↑ 🔵 🎩🚽 pfp
Pierre Pauze ↑ 🔵 🎩🚽
eheh also as a remember, If you own a Mac, you're likely to have a copy of Bitcoin's whitepaper (BTC). Simply type the following command line to make it appear : open /System/Library/Image\ Capture/Devices/VirtualScanner.app/Contents/Resources/simpledoc.pdf
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