Todd Goldberg pfp
Todd Goldberg
The downside of having reviews for everything you’re thinking of purchasing online is that if you’re like me, you’ll spend time comparing for both high end (expected) and low end purchases. Ex: Just spent 20 mins reading reviews and comparing pasta strainers off amazon 🤦‍♂️
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Todd Goldberg pfp
Todd Goldberg
Idea for a potential agent: - Prompt of what you’re looking for and relevant attributes for the thing + filters (ie price) + Marketplaces to search - Agent evaluates options against quality + quantity of reviews - Agent returns and compares best options
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notdevin  pfp
My approach is: - throw out the highs and lows - only read 3 star reviews - sample those randomly - 3 samples is enough
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Liam 🎩🔮⛓️💊 pfp
Liam 🎩🔮⛓️💊
So… which one did you get? Was it an Oxo?
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