Todd Goldberg pfp
Todd Goldberg
Has anyone done a full body MRI scan like prenuvo or qbio? If so, what was your experience like and do you recommend?
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Yes -- did one about a month ago. Highly recommend. The analysis you get is worth so much more than the cost in my opinion. And, if you're on the fence because you don't think anything is necessarily wrong, having a full body scan of your healthy anatomy is extremely valuable in the event things go wrong down the line.
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Sriram Krishnan pfp
Sriram Krishnan
I have with both. It’s a good baseline. Has caught some things with some friends. Biggest issue is if you have claustrophobia it can be unpleasant. Also - very very loud.
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Ryan Shea β€” e/acc pfp
Ryan Shea β€” e/acc
I did Prenuvo and it was great!
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Poeva.eth πŸŽ©πŸ–πŸ”΅πŸ¦‹ pfp
Poeva.eth πŸŽ©πŸ–πŸ”΅πŸ¦‹
Haven't done full body, but have had several. Bring your fave earplugs with you.
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