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Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ  pfp
Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ
Serious question, but can any other onchain collective or DAO say this (or anything close?) We have 81% of our Yellow holders (83/102) active in a single farcaster group chat! (Also, if you are one of the “Lost 19”… please come home, you are loved.)
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Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ  pfp
Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ
@dwr.eth how’s this for farcaster-native 👀
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errorgardener pfp
What’s yellow? Besides bananas and taxi cabs?
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ting.⌐◨-◨ 🎩 pfp
ting.⌐◨-◨ 🎩
How does a member join the group chat? 💛
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