Content pfp
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Coop pfp
The DEGEN playbook. 1) Give people a free airdrop + allowance 2) People give it to friends through tips 3) Founders see people using it and integrate it in their app 4) The price goes up 5) People talk about how much they got and gave for free. More teams should use this exact same blueprint.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Great description – others have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to network effects within farcaster tho...
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Coop pfp
Very true - you can add the capacity to tip but doesn’t mean people will want to do it. /higher is a great example of something I would love to tip - community feels native to FC and the ticker feels noticeable as an FC token 2500 $DEGEN
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