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tldr (tim reilly)
When I tell my smart non crypto friends about Polymarket they’re like “yeah I already knew about Predictit. What’s the difference?” I’m looking to steelman Polymarket for the purpose of shock and awe-ing them into taking a more serious view of crypto. Any suggestions?
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JR ↑
A non-crypto friend reached out to me and said "finally a solid crypto product, do they make a profit from trading fees, can I buy the coin?". I'm sure he didn't use it himself but simply saw it featured or quoted multiple times by mainstream news or Trump. > Personally not sure whether there will be much trading &or interest after the election. At the moment, the product is relevant on a global level (that's a big achievement), and everyone can use and quote it 24/7 freely.
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tldr (tim reilly)
Actually I think it will parlay into solid continued business: 1. Lots of funds got onboarded 2. Lots of users got comfortable 3. There’s always something interesting going on in the world
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