maurelian  pfp
Some reflections on being massively outbid by @swabbie.eth in the first non-founder @purpler auction:
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maurelian  pfp
1. I made this bid on a whim too late at night. TBH I'm kind of relieved to have my 400 bucks back. 2. My biggest misgiving about this DAO is that it's almost irrecoverably tribal. It's the spiteful child of @farcasteradmin.eth's rage quit, and so unavoidable defined more by what it's not that what it is.
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maurelian  pfp
3. Even just taking the same schtick of @purple and simply adding a plus is pretty awkward IMO. Imagine having to explain this weird beef to new casters a couple months from now.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
I think the explanation is simple and that it even makes FC more interesting: 🟪 @purple is the most popular DAO in the FC ecosystem and it helps fund tons of new projects ➕ @purpler forked purple’s well-known model and mission, but to focus solely on rewarding *already running* projects
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