tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
🔥🔥Tea vs Coffee, cont. 🔥🔥 ☕Coffee For experiencing wonderful tastes. 🫖Tea For tasting wonderful experiences. ie – Just as oysters do not simply taste of ocean, but are the ocean, tea can drift you to thin mountains, to cool forests, to soils not yet known.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
NB: The magic all depends not only on mindsetting, but also on (1) the tea being good and (2) the tea being prepared correctly. For the former, I once again recommend Song Tea in SF, and for the latter I newly recommend our own @sam's
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Sam Iglesias pfp
Sam Iglesias
That’s very kind of you. Working hard to push out the update.
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