Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
The FarCon Mint went… not like we thought it would πŸ˜‚ @grin and I are circling up this morning and want to hear from you about how we make @farcon something this community would love to attend. We know people want to get together, so what missed the mark?
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
My guess is that people (like me) who were originally signaling "no-brainer to attend" were subconsciously assuming a non-significant ticket cost. But once there was a semi-significant cost, it just cascaded into some sort of "public goods game" πŸ‘‡
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Really appreciate that feedback! Especially the price note. Lots of early conversations indicated similar levels of interest to what you’re describing which is exactly why we’re back at it with this thread. What moves the needle for you here?
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