Tim Robinson pfp

Tim Robinson


298 Following

Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Would love to see a site/frame where everyone can say what events they're attending and then I can see who of the people I'm following are also going so I can meet up with them.
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Is there a mobile app for DAO governance where I can see all votes I'm able to participate in and I can easily click yes or no from there? I often miss voting in governance because I don't pay close attention to everything I'm invested in.
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Is there a Frontend widget/plugin for making it easy to bridge tokens to the chain my app is on? Similar to what Zora does where you can mint using ETH from any chain.
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Is that little Zora widget that makes it easy to mint using ETH from any chain open source? Would like to implement something similar in another app.
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
With 100+ L2's now deployed or in production the liquidity required to bridge seamlessly between any two is going to be enormous. Agglayer's solve this, but your chain needs to be connected to at least one. Bullish on L2 ecosystems, bearish on individual chains not connected to an agglayer.
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Terrapunk is awesome, love the vision https://nasjaq.substack.com/p/the-terrapunk-manifesto
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Thank you degens for the nice donation to the UBI fund. At 6 WLD/month for an eyeball scan that's now ~$45/month which goes a long way in a developing country! I guess they heard sama was raising $7T and thought he was going to put it in worldcoin?
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
I recently wrote an article addressing exactly this: https://paragraph.xyz/@blueyard/how-ethereum-can-solve-l2-liquidity-fragmentation
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
$50k will be hit today. Take us to the moon Bitcoin! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kDi5CU2ulg
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Turns out I posted this to the wrong channel. Still in progress though, could happen today.
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Will the flappening happen today!?
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Bug with warpcast - if I'm on my homepage and refresh through pull down from the top, it continually shows me older and older casts. I'd expect this action to show the latest casts. Maybe something pagination related?
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Over the last few months I've done a deep dive into every way L2's are working to solve liquidity fragmentation issues in Ethereum. Now I've summarized everything I've found in one post for your consumption! https://paragraph.xyz/@blueyard/how-ethereum-can-solve-l2-liquidity-fragmentation?noop=1
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Does anyone know how to write in markdown in Paragraph? It mentions in the tutorial that it supports markdown but if I paste it it just renders it as text with no formatting.
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Alright everyone, let's get into it!
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
How did you "make it" on Farcaster?
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Are there any self hosted Farcaster frontends that I can use with my own hub? None of the clients in awesome farcaster GitHub appear to be open source
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Tim Robinson pfp
Tim Robinson
Rocketpool Nodes Assemble!
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