They Call Me….Tim pfp

They Call Me….Tim


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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
Agree. I might not be willing to spend for a writing course yet but those ideas still resonate: personal monopoly, serendipity, and so forth. Dream would be a small group that give feedback on short snippets as casts or the occasional long piece.
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
@nbragg I created my first pool, then started to explain to my wife and questions came up. The biggest one was impermanent seemed like unless the pair are correlated, there will be impermanent loss (the two go up together rather than diverging). Do you have suggestions on what makes for a good strategy in addition to risk and APY:
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
Good blog post about witness encryption
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
Which is the better persona to adopt on Warpcaster and why? pseudonymous or doxxed? (I know it's a 'personal' preference, but I want to hear it out loud as I figure things out for myself....)
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
Seems like the /sf channel should be poppin' but it's quiet. Why?
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
@nbragg hi, what does it mean to see two pairs which look identical?
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
Verifiability and immutability are abstract concepts that will return as a primary narrative. Someday.
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
Hi @nbragg I am trying out /poolfish but a little confused about the UI. I click on a pool, but it doesn't seem to take me to the pool I clicked on in Uniswap. Not sure if I'm doing it right (listening to your youtube in background)
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
Posting in /nouns earns $nouns….randomly? $nouns can be exchanged for Nouns…
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
Narratives in crypto a composable: it's possible to build upon the momentum and credibility of another narrative.
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
a strong narrative supports, enables, unveils, and executes a strong strategy
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
Life is a quest. What is your axis in life? Chaotic vs Lawful. Good vs Evil. No one would ever describe themselves as Evil so that acid breaks down. Perhaps it is Individual vs Communal?
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
We are entering a time of deeper tribalism, not just interest groups. Perhaps one category are NPCs while the rest are engaging more with a worldview that just isn’t captured by traditional politics or loose social organizations. I would like to start to come up with some taxonomy.
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
Every stakeholder in a product is a Persona. Even the best mechanism design that doesn’t deeply understand the behavioral economics will be designed poorly. Just because we have determinism in on chain data doesn’t mean all participants are rational actors with an expected value curve.
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
I share an example: to compete with the /product we explored a lower price than the lowest cost competitor. But if the ecosystem is permissionless and fungible, the supply-side will always prefer the higher paying option. If they are at capacity, they will reject the low-cost option for their supply.
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
When Product Managing a decentralized protocol, cost/margins assumptions differ from centralized providers. Pricing can be more complicated unless the /protocols has been designed to truly enable a cost-based competition. The funnel control matters a lot. And the funnel is often determined by /killer-narrative
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
It’s hard to not like a good Origin Story.
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
What’s this channel all about guys? Real question. All about isn’t just what people do here tho. What’s it about?
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They Call Me….Tim pfp
They Call Me….Tim
Protocols are on chain incentive machines to enable /killer-narrative
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