Content pfp
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timdaub (🥝,🎩) pfp
timdaub (🥝,🎩)
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Matt “Going To Farcon” Lee  pfp
Matt “Going To Farcon” Lee
Do these “trains” have air conditioning?
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dieselbaby pfp
While I totally understand the desire to point out how abysmal our passenger rail system here in the US is, I feel the need to add some important context here… Sure, like many/most problems America faces w.r.t. infrastructure, a great deal of blame lies with the endemically corrupt bureaucracies at all levels of govt
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raluca pfp
trains ftw
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Jon Bray pfp
Jon Bray
People dunking on the Euro rail system don't realize it's about more than just travel/luxury. Railways are integral to the transport of goods and development of cities. If you travel anywhere in the US that isn't on the path of railways they are destitute. Coincidence?
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
Having ridden trains in the US, Japan, and the UK. The US is right fucked in getting people from A to B. Idk why we can't get trains functional for our country. Would go a long way towards unity.
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yangwao ↑ pfp
yangwao ↑
Airline companies have been blocking train development of railway construction back then. Same like last mile wifi providers have been blocking development of optics in villages.
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cyrus 🎩  ᖽ  🍄 pfp
cyrus 🎩 ᖽ 🍄
Is this the data re: infrastructure you were talking about ? (btw i wasn't saying US doesn't have infrastructure, it was a more specific point about quality, type and distribution)
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