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Antonio GarcĂ­a MartĂ­nez pfp
Antonio GarcĂ­a MartĂ­nez
Quick someone make a Europoor joke.
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Joe Toledano pfp
Joe Toledano
The state of Alabama has a higher GDP than that of half the countries in Europe
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Antonio GarcĂ­a MartĂ­nez pfp
Antonio GarcĂ­a MartĂ­nez
Yeah, so why does Mobile, AL feel much, much poorer than Spain or Italy? Not just feels, by every quality of life metric from longevity to crime. Also, spare me the bullshit comp: you’d never live in Mobile, you’d have the time of your life in Seville.
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timdaub đŸ„ pfp
timdaub đŸ„
Yeah but people for their life of it do not want to understand that GDP charts do not directly translate into living standards. I‘ve had extended family in Sicily, and on all charts it‘s a „shit hole,“ but quality of life there is extremely high. They are rich of many things no American could ever afford.
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timdaub đŸ„ pfp
timdaub đŸ„
You can go to the most random ass shop in any village in Sicily and you will get the best quality vegetables you‘ve ever had in your entire life. LA people think they can buy $20 tomatoes in their rich people grocery stores but it‘s just not the same - they have the live it for once to understand
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