tigeruppercut pfp



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tigeruppercut pfp
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tigeruppercut pfp
明日1日ドックがあるので なんとか21時前までに食事を済ませることができた💦 そのため、写っているビールは飾り🍺 I have a one day dock tomorrow. I managed to finish my meal before 9pm💦. Therefore, the beer in the picture is a decoration 🍺.
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tigeruppercut pfp
Check out FlappyCaster composer mini game! I just scored 21 points! 確かにムズイ😅 https://warpcast.com/yuzu0830/0x95ece1b3
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tigeruppercut pfp
職種変更後の1週間をどうにか乗り切ることができました💦 みなさんも今週1週間お疲れ様でした。 帰宅したらベイマックスを見るのを楽しみにしていた次男が、1人で見るのが怖いと言ってきたので一緒に最後まで見ました。 少しばかり心の疲れが取れました☺️ I managed to make it through the week after the change in job title💦. Thank you all for your hard work this past week. When I got home, my second son, who was looking forward to watching Baymax, said he was afraid to watch it alone, so we watched it together until the end. It took a little bit of mental fatigue off my mind. ☺️
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tigeruppercut pfp
みんなのキャストを見るのが楽しすぎて自分のキャストを忘れてしまいそう😅 あぶないあぶない💦 I'm having so much fun looking at everyone's casts that I'm forgetting my own😅 Fear not 💦.
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tigeruppercut pfp
子供達、今日から登校🏫 朝食はフレンチトーストで気分アゲアゲで送り出しました😊 寝坊したので写真撮れず… Kids start school today 🏫. I sent them off with French toast for breakfast with high spirits 😊. I overslept so I couldn't take any pictures...
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tigeruppercut pfp
仕事仲間と焼肉🍖 Yakiniku with business associates 🍖.
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tigeruppercut pfp
今晩もなかなかのボリューム‼️ 明後日から新しい立ち位置でスタートするのでそれに向けてカンパーイ🍺 Quite a lot of volume again this evening: ‼️ The day after tomorrow, we will start in a new position, so let's get ready for it 🍺.
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tigeruppercut pfp
上司から来月から職種変更を言い渡され どうしたものか考えながら食事中🤔 My boss told me I'll be changing my job title next month. I'm having a meal, trying to figure out what to do.🤔
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tigeruppercut pfp
この時間でこれはちょっと… と思いながらもペロリとたいらげました🤣 I thought, "This is a little bit too much at this time of night... I ate it up in one bite.🤣
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tigeruppercut pfp
さっぱりしたものが食べたく、 焼き茄子と豚肉ポン酢かけ作りました。 子供達は豚バラ炒めにがっついてたけどね… I wanted to eat something refreshing, I made grilled eggplant and pork with ponzu sauce. The kids were very hungry for the fried pork belly...
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tigeruppercut pfp
ストリーク‼️ キャストしようとしてそのまま寝落ちしてしまった💦 Streak‼️ I was trying to cast and fell straight to sleep💦.
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tigeruppercut pfp
なんだかんだで46日継続中😌 継続こそ力なり、と言えるように コツコツとがんばりまっす‼️ I've been doing this for 46 days now 😌. I'm going to keep working hard so that I can say "continuity is power". I'll do my best to keep going. ‼️
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tigeruppercut pfp
無性に肉団子が食べたくなったので 久しぶりに作りました🍖 一品作るので手一杯💦 毎日何品も作ってくれる嫁に感謝😭 I had a craving for meatballs. so I made them for the first time in a long time 🍖. I have my hands full making one dish💦. Thanks to my wife who makes so many dishes every day 😭
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tigeruppercut pfp
嫁に頼まれ、仕事帰りに某コンビニで無事ゲットできたが1箱798円‼️ コラボ商品のスゴさにまいりました💦 My wife asked me to get some at a certain convenience store on my way home from work, and I was able to get them safely, but I was surprised at the amount: 798 yen per box ‼️ I'm amazed at the greatness of the collaboration products💦.
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tigeruppercut pfp
会社で納豆の話をしていたら、 キムチ納豆と赤ワインの組み合わせで食べてみるといいと言われた🤔 ということでやってみました‼️ 結果は想像にお任せします😁 I was talking about natto at work, They told me to try kimchi natto with red wine 🤔. I tried it ‼️ I'll leave the results to your imagination 😁.
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tigeruppercut pfp
The last day of the holiday weekend ends with fireworks and beer. ‼️ 連休最終日は花火とビールで〆‼️
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tigeruppercut pfp
寝る前のUNOで本日の摂取カロリーゼロ🤪 Zero calorie intake today with UNO before bed 🤪.
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tigeruppercut pfp
子供にバターチキンカレーとナンが食べたいとせがまれたので、夕食はインドカレー屋さんで😋 お盆休み中に摂取したカロリーはこちらでゼロにしてもらいましょう😆 The kids were begging for butter chicken curry and naan, so we went to an Indian curry restaurant for dinner 😋. Let's have them zero in on the calories they consumed during the Bon vacation here 😆.
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tigeruppercut pfp
お昼はりきって食べ過ぎたため 夜は控えめにしました😅 Because I ate too much at lunch I ate too much at lunch, so I kept it low at night😅.
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