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Posted a thread on x about a post on Mastodon and now I’m casting it here. Take that, efficiency!
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
I wouldn’t feel too bad about it. The narrative on that part of the left is that capitalism / the modern world itself is bad and dying, “late stage” They adopt everything useful anyway, just later and while complaining about it. They Uber to the protest. Make something people want 🌞
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elle pfp
whenever i've tried to discuss the tech with ppl i know (also left-leaning), they get very defensive bc it challenges/potentially threatens the illusion of security they feel with the status quo (that they also complain about.) so the response is to point at the ponzis and the enviro as a way to shut the convo down
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MOLO pfp
I mean the energy inefficiency argument is just a bad argument overall
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