Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
This (extremely off-putting) answer reveals a key thing that's beautiful about markets: They let people express the strength of their preferences without needing to always justify their values in front of a committee.
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Wolff’s answer makes no sense. If one cooperative, let’s call it Sony, made electronics like tvs and game consoles, and one cooperative produced food, or parts for trains, or anything else. The person who works for the train parts cooperative would just trade a certain amount of labour vouchers for a PlayStation
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We don’t live in the early 20th century anymore. Any version of socialism is going to include electronics. Truthfully, in a society with less business hierarchy there probably won’t be PlayStation and Nintendo because these are shitty companies. But there will still be video games. Probably most will be…
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shazow pfp
Because Wolff never claims that there is only one design for socialism, he specifically presents one toy design (full democratic purchasing governance in this case?) and debates against that framework ("under your system..."). He does this in every interview I've listened to, this clip lacks context?
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